Managed Markets Marketing Programs and Account Support Offerings

Managed Markets Marketing Programs and Account Support Offerings

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Manufacturer support offerings can positively benefit relationships with MCOs by driving value, improving outcomes, and easing the cost burden of medications. HIRC's report, Managed Markets Marketing Programs and Account Support Offerings, provides an in-depth review of managed care executives' needs and expectations across therapeutic areas, as well as an assessment of manufacturer offerings across program/resource types. The report addresses the following questions:

  • Which programs/resources are most important to payers? Which programs/resources are most available?
  • Which manufacturer-sponsored programs/resources are nominated as best across 11 unique program types?
  • Which manufacturer-sponsored programs/resources are nominated as best across 13 therapeutic areas?
  • What managed care program opportunities exist for manufacturers to distinguish themselves as valued partners?

Key Finding: Panelists most often identify Pipeline Presentations as the most valuable program/resource offerings from manufacturers, followed by Appropriate Drug Utilization, Data Analytics/Insights, and Quality Metrics Support.

AbbVie Leads in Programs Supporting Payers' Population Health Management Initiatives. Respondents were asked to consider eleven unique program categories and nominate a manufacturer providing the best offerings/resources in the last 12 months. AbbVie leads with the most nominations for best population health management support to managed care organizations, followed by Merck, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, and Pfizer.

The full report includes a complete listing of best-in-class nominations across eleven program/resource categories as well as the rationale behind nominations.

Novo Nordisk Leads in Program/Resource Offerings for Diabetes. Respondents were asked to consider thirteen therapeutic areas and nominate a manufacturer providing the best offerings/resources in the last 12 months. In diabetes, respondents most often select Novo Nordisk as providing the most valuable programs/resources, followed by Lilly, and Boehringer Ingelheim. The top firms are noted for their expertise in diabetes, strong reputation, and expanding comorbidities support.

The full report provides a complete listing of managed care customer nominations across the following 11 program types and 13 therapeutic areas:

Research Methodology and Report Availability. In May 2024, HIRC surveyed 71 key decision-makers from commercial health plans and pharmacy benefit managers. Online surveys and follow-up telephone interviews were used to gather information. The complete report, Managed Markets Marketing Programs and Account Support Offerings, is available now to HIRC’s Best Programs and Best People subscribers at

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